Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One more week

One more week. I can do this just one more week. One more week and I am done with college. One more week that is all. But this last week is killing me. Blood sugars insane running large ketones from stress and not really sleeping. Trying to finish my seminar paper and then add on all the other research papers for my 5 other classes and then finals. Endo wants me on strict bed rest because of the ketones but I don't have time for that. Let me make it through this one LAST week. I can do this, I need to do this, I have to do this. Diabetes sucks

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary

So I have been watching Body of Proof lately since the daughter of the main character was diagnosed with diabetes. I mainly started watching to see how they were going to handle the D diagnosis on the show but have found that I actually really like the show even without D. So last episode they showed her putting on her pump (the actress is actually diabetic) and how her mom was meddling in her business and how it irritated her. I actually found it right on point. Since my diagnosis (today is actually my anniversary so happy anniversary to me) I do not think I have gone a day without my mom asking how my sugar has been. I know most people would say hey I am almost 25, I am married and what not why is my mom still meddling with my health but I do not see it as meddling. It is a comfort that she still asks, that she still wants to be apart of my diabetic part of life. Even though I am 24 years old and I have 10 years of this under my belt I still take comfort knowing that my mom and dad are there for me and they want to be there to support me and they want to be apart of not just me but also my diabetes. I know I went through many years were I found it annoying but I look back now and I am thankful that she was so worried about me, that she made me take care of myself, that she did meddle. I am thankful for her support, I am thankful that she has been there. And to all you parents out there with D kids they too will go through a time were they are sick of you asking about their diabetes but continue to ask, continue to be pushy when it comes to their health they will thank you in the long run. So in honor of 10 years being a part of a club I never wanted to join I want to thank my mom and dad for making me a responsible diabetic.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Yesterday was my 3 month visit with the endo. I love Dr. R he is great. We discussed my upcoming float trip and he said even though animas is waterproof he thought it would probably be better to disconnect and just take a novolog pen with me. I asked about maybe taking a little lantus b/c its 6 hours he said no just to check every hour and if I need to bolus just shoot up. After looking at my graphs and everything I brought he also suggested that I bolus a unit or 2 before I excersise b/c as he put it "None of you type 1's go by the book and you are all crazy different" and I am just one of those weird people who spike with exercise. Thanks doc.
We also talked about pregnancy (did I really just type that). Ok still kinda freaking out that this is even been brought up. I just don't know how I feel about it. I feel excited but also it scares the shit out of me. Stephen is thrilled to be talking about it but I don't think he knows what all pregnancy and the kid that comes at the end entails. He just keeps telling me everything will just work out. He seems to think its going to be a peice of cake however he isn't the one with diabetes or the one pushing the kid out. It would be so much easier if he was the one pushing the kid out. Maybe someone can Fedex us a kid that seems so much less painful. Seriously I am NERVOUS!! Well doc said my A1c was pretty good (6.2) but he would like it lower and he is also worried that it was lower because of all the lows I have so he would like me to work on it. That being said he is sending in the order for the Dexcom and we are hoping insurance approves. Send me good thoughts on getting a Dex fast and easy =)
Now back to my seminar paper (which is killing me at this moment but that is for another post)