So like I mentioned earlier I went to the endo Friday. Well my A1C was 7.2 not exactly great but not horrible either. It has been creeping up for some time. Part of the problem is my horrible lows around 2:30-3 in the am. In which I wake up and know I am low because for one I am sweating HORRIBLY like to the point I have to change cloths, two I was drooling pretty bad, and three I am awake. I then proceed to eat everything I can get my hands on. Stephen usually wakes up in the morning to what looks like a tornado has gone through our kitchen and our bed covered in crumbs and wrappers. It is not a pretty site and usually means the kitchen was basically turned upside down and there is no longer food in the house because if you have ever gone low then you know EVERYTHING taste amazing! I am serious I will eat things I absolutely hate when I am low and that includes some very odd food combinations sometimes good sometimes very very bad (but it taste amazing at the time). I am talking like fruit snacks dipped in peanut butter, tomatoes dipped in peanut butter, when I am low I basically dip anything in peanut butter and it taste like heaven. So after nights like this where I have been turned into a zombie and go on eating rampages my sugars in the morning are around 250 and the rest of the day just seems to be shot.
Dr. R said this is the dawn phenomenon. And so because of this he said we have 2 choices first one being I take NPH at night instead of my Lantus (I split my Lantus) or the dreaded pump. Now I say dreaded because I have a pretty bad history with pumps and well electronics in total. I really do not want to be on 3 insulins so I guess I maybe looking into pumps again. Wish me luck because I am sure you all know insurance companies suck and I am sure this is going to be a battle.
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