Friday, March 23, 2012

Please explain to me this

So I have started this couch to 5K. I am wanting to be toned for this summer. So I check my sugar before I start I like to be around 150. I think I wont go low and I will end probably in the 90-100 range... WRONG!! Of course it doesn't do what I think its gonna do. Guess what I am not even close and no I am not low. I was freaking 303 when I got out of the shower after my run!! I checked ketones none there but seriously!! SERIOUSLY! 303! Did my body go into shock? Can anyone explain to me why my BG went up instead of the normal going down? Isn't that what is supposed to happen? I always thought when you exercised your blood sugar starts to drop or have I been completely wrong about that this whole time? BTW this has not just happened once its happening every time I run... Maybe I need to find a new exercise...


  1. I believe it can be due to adrenaline, I'm not T1 myself (daughter) and we've never seen this, we always get the drops in BS you were expecting, but the process is prob different in kids.

  2. Thank you for the advice I am sure it probably is adrenaline. I go to my endo on April 2 and I am going to bring it up to him and see what he says. I am hoping he will arrange for me to get a Dexcom because I think that would would help me out on some of the guesstimating that goes along with this
